Sunday, 17 June 2012

What teaching is actually like...

I suppose it's all well and good me telling people about what teaching is like in a Korean school, but I think it's much more useful to actually show you. This semester I've taken the odd video and photo here, so here they are...

Actually, I'm sure that the folk back in England think it's a lot of this....

I wish. That was Sports day... pretty similar to a British one, except they had to 'practice' it the day before(?!) because parents were coming. I snapped it from the English room to show you the sheer effort that went into it. It was fully like an episode of It's a Knockout! Banners AND inflatables. Yes.

My job was the scoreboard anyway. Totally what I studied at university to do...

Anyway, Sports Day aside, they usually get snapped when they're playing a game or singing a ridiculous song because I want to embarrass them. Here are a few of them...

The first one is a 3rd grade class I did this week. Note the lost child closest to the camera with a book balanced on his head for the entire song. Can't teach em all!

Another 3rd grade class in this one, learning colours. Check out the dancing kid with the perm at the front. Yep, that's actually a hairstyle here. Pretty sure this was the week he came running in pointing at his hair to show me his lovely new curls. Very nice mate.

Here are some older ones, 5th graders, also dancing to one of the terrible songs. This is actually my favourite class. You can see straight away how much more they want to be filmed though. Poses being struck all over the place...

You may have noticed the general awfulness that is these songs. For your pleasure, here's one of the videos we would show in class for them to learn. Brace yourself: it's super gay.

Told you. Some of these videos freak the kids out so much. Rightly so.

Lastly, here are a few pictures that have been building up on my phone. These were all taken in the middle of class, simply because I'm THAT professional.

Some 3rd graders playing Snakes & Ladders:

Two good 4th grade students. The one on the left is pretty much fluent actually. He keeps asking me about architecture and construction methods because they're building next to the school. This child is 9! I was still well into eating blades of grass at that age.

A couple of 5th grade girls decided to not play the game and just make a banner instead. The 'ㅋㅋㅋ' at the bottom corner just means the same as writing 'lol'. Its sounds like 'kh-kh-kh'. Kind of a weird laugh, I know.

Lastly, I saw this and couldn't not take a sly picture. They have the strangest slogans written on their English notebooks. Last semester I noticed that lots of kids have stationary and school supplies made by a company called 'Erexion', which is just plain wrong. Anyway, why this book publisher chose this phrase is beyond me...

Mmmmmm, fragrant memories. Curry and kebabs.


  1. Actually, we remember it wasn't blades of grass, Tony - it was cat food!!

  2. Best post so far, i love this, the wake up song was.... creepy... just creepy
